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Just How Long Should Your Content Be for SEO?
There's no such thing as ideal content length or frequency!
Content length remains the most debatable topic in SEO.
It is not surprising given how much confusing terminology we have to deal with, including “thin content,” “long-form content,” “perfect word count,” etc.
Here are a few questions answered when it comes to content length:
What’s the best word count for a page?
No such thing.
You need to write exactly as much content as it is needed to satisfy that searcher.
Use our query analyzer (custom GPT) to better understand your target query search intent and searcher personas behind them.
Is there such a thing as too many internal links on a page?
Internal links pass relevance and authority signals. The more relevant links a page has, the more important Google deems it. Moreover, contextual links are likely to pass more value because Google also considers link context when understanding what the linked page is about.
Website owners are always debating, “how many is too many” for internal links.
Would Google penalize you for too many internal links, especially if they all have keyword-optimized anchor text?
No, according to Google.
Googlers repeatedly stated that, more recently on Linkedin. And even if we take their statements with a grain of salt (which we should), I’ve never seen this happen. In reality, rankings always improve when you add a bunch of internal links.
There was no mention of any negative signal like that in Google’s leaked documentation. It does mention that Google bot may give up on long documents and fail to crawl them in their entirety. So the worst case scenario is that Google won’t see your internal links if you include a block of them at the bottom of a long page.
How often should I publish new content on my site?
No such rule.
This is something many clients ask.
Here’s my answer for as long as I can remember:
Write and publish as much content as you can afford to (1) research well, (2) optimize well, and (3) market well.
There’s no reason to try and publish lots of content without putting it out there for all the important signals (links, clicks, engagement).
Every piece of content should be followed up by a proper social media sharing strategy and a proper outreach/link-building process.
If you publish too much content to have the time to do all of it and do well (with some results), you are publishing too much.
No need to publish more content just for the sake of it being there.
Depending on your team size and budget, your content publishing frequency may vary dramatically.
Now, I realize there are no definitive answers here. I hate “it depends” responses too!
But trust me, when you hear something like “optimum word count” or “publishing frequency best practices”, RUN! Don’t read any further or deal with that agency.
Anyone who has been doing SEO for a while can only give you definitive answers after they take a thorough look at your site. Every case is different!
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Thanks for the answers and the search query agent. Great tool.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is strange stuff with many devious and hidden variables like #EEAT #PANDA #PENGUIN and others.
#Intentions, #Purpose, Aims and #objectives are also rather tricky SEARCH variables that need to be understood, interpreted and managed.
1) Intentions
2) aims
3) objectives
CONETNT LENGTH IS NOT AN ISSUE. content must just contain Purpose, Intentions, Aims and objectives that are clear, easy for any search engine to access evaluate and make use of the content provided.
So content length is not an issue, meaning, understanding and interpretation are important. how you achieve your goals is not dictated by content length, but by content intentions and purpose. so be sure that seartch engines can easily determine the purpose and intent of your content.